Monday, October 20, 2008

cheap taxi insurance - third party taxi insurance

Is there anything such as cheap taxi insurance in the uk?

Most people will say no as it all depends on your individual circumstances. However some people will say it depends on your no claims bonus. We say its neither. It depends on how much access your broker has to large insurance companies and what deals they have on offer. But having maximum no claims discount does help with taxi insurance today. But if you do not have no claims discounts then what do you do?

Did you know there is a lot of difference with third party taxi insurance and fully comprehensive insurance in the taxi market? Always try to getting fully comprehensive taxi insurance as it is better as taxi driving is your livelihood.

Cheap Taxi Insurance for UK taxi drivers, minicab insurance and private hire.


April Kielb said...

for car and vehicle drivers must require Third party auto insurance.

Chicago Auto Insurance | SR22 Insurance

Unknown said...

Taxi and Car Insurance is not only one of the most important aspects of driving a car or taxi, its also a legal requirement in the UK. Our Comprehensive cover means you are fully insured to drive a Taxi or Car in your local area.
Private hire insurance