Thursday, June 25, 2009

taxi insurance website marketing opportunity for insurance brokers and insurance companies

For a fixed price per calendar month which is negotiable is offering taxi insurers or taxi insurance brokers to advertise their banners and links on our website and this taxi insurance blog. A great opportunity not to be missed. Plenty of traffic and lead generation potential and huge audience of taxi insurance customers. Please refer to the following web address for more info:

taxi insurance brokers in london

There are over 2000 cab drivers in the london area. Taxi insurance is not cheap. Taxi drivers include black cab taxi drivers known as hackney carriage drivers and private hire drivers known as minicab drivers in the uk. Always shop around for taxi insurance as prices vary from area to area and company to company. Most taxi policies are based upon postal risk codes and authorities who licence taxi companies. It does not really matter whether you use a company in london or if it is on the other side of the uk. Most taxi insurance firms are based nationally in the UK , some are even registered in different countries such as Gibraltar or even the Jersey Islands. Nonetheless taxi insurance is a risky market for insurance companies. A single claim against insurers always usually goes into the thousands for them hence why premiums are high. However premiums are different in all areas of the UK. For example somewhere like the rural areas such s countrysides, taxi premiums are cheaper than other areas such as central london as obviously there are going to be more claims due to the traffic and amount of cars on the road and the accidents that occur. A lot of brokers in london tend to use the same insurance companies to quote their customers on. Always ask the broker which insurers he is going to use to quote you from as you may be getting quotations again from the same insurers over and over again. Lets face it, there are not many actual taxi insurers in the UK. Taxi insurance is a limited market and people tend to get confused by what a taxi broker is and what a taxi insurance company is. Most persons tend to get taxi insurance based on recommendation in the uk. They usually get recommended by a colleague at work or a taxi company nearby. Here is a list of taxi insurance brokers in london:

Taxi Insurance Courier Insurance Private Hire Taxi Insurance
Taxi Insurance UK, Cheap Taxi Insurance, Minicab Insurance London PCO ... At Active Insurance Brokers we pride ourselves on giving you the best possible - Cached - Similar
Taxi Insurance Minicab Insurance London PCO UK
Specialists UK taxi and private hire minicab insurance brokers offering cheap taxi insurance quotes ... Quotations also avaialble for London PCO badge - Cached - Similar
J&M Insurance Services (UK) Ltd - Taxi Insurance, Travel Insurance ...
taxi insurance: 0845 338 0789. disabled travel cover: 0845 338 1638 ... and goodwill of Colney Insurance Brokers from Supreme and St. Albans. The business is based in London Colney, St. Albans and is well situated on the High Street. - Cached - Similar
Taxi insurance broker is snapped up by Swinton
AN INSURANCE broker based in Liverpool, Widnes and Wirral has been acquired by industry ... 'The Knowledge' An Article From British Icons · Taxi-London. - Cached - Similar
Taxi Insurance for London Black Cabs, Taxis and Fleets from Cabsurance
London Taxi Insurance, Taxi Fleets and Public and Private Hire Insurance. ... London's Leading Taxi Insurance Broker - Cached - Similar
A19 Taxi Insurance of Boldon Colliery, Tyne And Wear. Insurance ...
A19 Taxi Insurance Insurance Brokers of Boldon Colliery, Tyne And Wear. ... combine with your locality to find a broker near you. E.g Public liabilty London